

My name is Nadia and I'm a Gunditjmara woman from South-West Victoria. I grew up in a small country town with my parents, older sister and a lot of our extended family.
I currently live with my favourite housemate, my dog Bodie!

I have been interested in graphic design for as long as I can remember, and growing up, I was surrounded by Aboriginal art in my home and my community. I spent days as a kid watching Dad paint his stories onto jewellery and share his experience as an Aboriginal person at local markets. I have spent a lot of time learning, drawing and painting over the years and have always loved doing something creative.

I started Namaro Creative because I wanted to share my art with the wider community as well as other Indigenous people. With the learning resources I've created, I wanted something that incorporated Indigenous culture into learning at an entry level. I am so excited to see these resources being used all around the country for our boorais (children).

The prints I've created are my own artistic expression and are pieces that I would want in my own home (and I do!)

All products sold on this website are Ally Friendly.

Thank you so much for your support!



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